During an emergency, the people who are involved are likely to follow the lead of managers and leaders.

Managers and leaders should be familiar with the EAPs and be prepared to:

    1. Take immediate action
    2. Activate the emergency notifications system
    3. Remain calm
    4. Lock and barricade doors
    5. Evacuate people via a designated evacuation route to a safe area

Planning for Access & functional needs

  • EAPs, evacuation instructions, and emergency procedures must address the needs of people with access and functional needs
    1. Alerts must be noticeable by people with visual and or hearing impairments
    2. There must be ways for p[people with mobility disabilities to quickly evacuate buildings
    3. People with mobility disabilities must be able to access assembly points.
  • To understand and identify the access and functional needs of employees, it is recommended to include the employees in the EAP Creation Process